A Journey across japan ~ In Honsyu2~ 日本縦断~本州編2 ~

A journey across Japan ~In Honsyu2~ 日本縦断 ~本州編2~


After 仙台 Sendai, our next destination was going to 新潟 Niigata prefesture, crossing 猪苗代湖 Inawashiro lake.  we actually were planning to go through roads of japanese sea, but there is a big mountain named 奥羽山脈 Ou sanmyaku, so we had to take the side of Pacific ocean.  The reason why we came down to 仙台 is because it is out of mountain. so we dont have to cross the mountain if we go through 仙台.  



Inawashro lake with my bike


At first, we didnt know about 猪苗代湖 Inawashiro lake so much, so when it showed up suddnly, we were so surprised because it`s so big, and stunning.  it looks Caldera lake, and easy to know it is made by the activity of volcano that caused long time ago.  We swimmed there as soon as we found, we really refreshed. so good experience. Because we haven`t taken a shower for 5 days till then haha.



Sunset at the lake



In 西会津, in the middle of a mountain, we stayed at in front of the station. On that day was my birthday, my friend celebrated me by a cake.  we didnt have candle, so we used match and put them on cake with fire directly.  it was fun time haha.



birthday cake with matchstick



Next day, we crossed the mountain in the heavy rain, to Niigata.  We had a appointment with my friend there who I met in Spain.  so we deceied to meet up in 佐渡島 Sadoga island, which is around 90km away from Niigata.  We took a ferry to get there.  We had been riding a bike everyday, we still rode a bike in Sado, though we went there as refreshment. its kinda weird haha.



A Tunnel for bicycle that once train used to take


Beach at Sado island



There, meeting up him for the first in a year, it was a good meeting. then I realized when we meet, we always on the way of joureny, such as Santiago de compostera in Spain, or journey of cross japan of him, and this time, at my journey of crossing japan.  we did BBQ at beach at night, making fire from zero collecting many woods to fire.  I thought he had much experiences of journey and survivul skills, which made me surprised.  




Then after the 佐渡島 Sado island, we continued to go down to 神戸 to get a ferry to next destination, which is 四国 Shikoku.  On the way, we dropped by many prefectures like Ishikawa, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka.  In kyoto, my friend took me to his friend`s house to stay. he was so kind becuase he allowed me to stay even that was my first to see him.  The family served us good dinner and place to stay, i cant thank you enough.  



A feast at friend`s house


Before going to his frend`s house, we stopped by  延暦寺 Enryaku temple, which is the one of the biggest sacred place in japan.  There used to have big relationship with famous japanese samurai 織田信長 Nobunaga Oda, and had a big fight between them.  I have been wanting to visit there, i was so glad.  We climbed the mountain for around 40 minutes and reached at places to pray.  it was so holy place.  



Road leading to the top


One of the old temple


stairs in the mountain



Finally we arrived at the port in 神戸 Kobe, to go to 四国 Shikoku, which is another island of Japan.  we took a ferry in the night and got there at very early morning, so we slept for a while at a park in 香川 Kagawa prefecture in Shikoku.   





A port at 神戸
