A Journey across japan ~in Kyusyu~ 九州編

九州 (Kyusyu), the last island for riding. When we were at Shimonoseki,(下関)、we really excited about that. Shimonoseki and Kitakyusyu(北九州)、780m away for each other having sea between them. Fortunately , there is a tunnel under the …

A Journey across japan ~ in Shikoku, chugoku 四国、中国地方

When we arrived at 四国(Shikoku), it was still dark. So we found a park nearby the port, and we expanded our sleeping bag on the ling chair so that we can sleep for a bit. When it got bright enough to go on our journey, we got ready to go.…

A Journey across japan ~ In Honsyu2~ 日本縦断~本州編2 ~

A journey across Japan ~In Honsyu2~ 日本縦断 ~本州編2~ After 仙台 Sendai, our next destination was going to 新潟 Niigata prefesture, crossing 猪苗代湖 Inawashiro lake. we actually were planning to go through roads of japanese sea, but…

A Journey across japan ~In Honsyu~ 日本縦断~本州編1~

A journey across Japan ~In Honsyu~ 日本縦断~本州編1~ we finally got to Hakodate, and sailed to Aomori, Oma where a long journey of Honsyu starts. Japan consists of 5 parts of Island mainly. Honsyu is the biggest island among them, which…

A Journey across japan ~In Hokkaido~ 日本縦断~北海道編~

A journey across Japan in Hokkaido Hokkaido is located in north part of Japan. Sapporo, which is capital city, was our start point. we arrived at Hokkaido with no bicycle, so first thing we gotta do was procuring them there. we searched go…

A Journey across Japan ~日本縦断~

A Journey across Japan~日本縦断~ This time, spending around 40 days( 8/12~9/24), my friend and I carried out a journey across Japan by bicycle! from north to south, 2565,7km(starting from Hokkaido to Okinawa) we experienced many things o…

What is the good point of making a journey?

Today, im gonna talk about what the good points you can get from making a journey are, based on my experiences so far. ・What Journey is First of all, I want to define the meaning of journey. I think Journey means a trip you creat all from…

10.000 yen challenge ; final report

10.000 yen challenge ; final report Finally, I finished 10.000 yen food challenge somehow. The duration was a month(4/18~5/18) Last time i wrote the diary about this challenge, 1611 yen left at May 4. after that, I paid some money , so the…

10,000 yen a month for food expenses

During this coronavirus problem, I can't go out enough, bit feeling stressed, so I started 10,000 yen for food expenses challenge. first of all, 100 yen is equal to 1 Dollar approximately. Second, i can use food material I ready have or st…

World gourmet 3 ~Portugal~

This time, im going to fearture the gourmet we can meet in Portugal where is known as the place in 15 century called " The age of Discovery ". We went to Lisbon , and the capital city Porto. In Portugal, egg tart, and octopus dish are famo…

World gourmet 2 ; Jaén

This time, im going to feature the goumet of my place Jaén where is located in the south part of Spain called Andalucia ~. This is really typical breakfast in this region called bread with tomatos with olive oil, and ham. the sourse is col…

World gourmet 1

Im gonna pick some good gourmet I ate on the way of traveling and introduce them Writing it and i noticed i have many pictures of gourme, so im gonna write about it splitly. This is a dish I ate after Camino de Santiago as a feast at Gali…

Coronavirus : what we can do to contain it faster

Since early this year, gradually the new coronavirus started spreading around the world and is giving serious impact on various aspects, like changes of the way to live, economy, envirounment, and so on. Every countries disclosed the state…

Newest technology with VOCALOID

I saw one song written by Kenshi Yonezu, that is called " 砂の惑星”, which was sang by Miku Hatsune, which is famous vocaloid. it shames me, but that was the first time for me to know not only a song for vocaloid, but also the fact that cr…

About the problem with plastic

when i watched TV, a TV program about plastic pollution in Philippines was on . The TV featured about what happend to Philippines with the problem of plastic. the program started with introducing a baby whale died because of too much plast…

Back to Japan

After finishing 11 months studying abroad, I finally came back to Japan. im now writing blog for the first time in a while because things settled down. During the blank, my friend and I carried out an one month Europe trip, starting from G…

平成から令和へ  From the Heisei era to the Reiwa era

Today is the day that Japanese Emperor will abdicate and new emperor will take over, which means the Heisei era will be over and the Reiwa era will begin. 天皇の退位による年号の改元という貴重な機会に偶然にも恵まれ、その変化の瞬間に立ち会う…

About the Energy in Europe.

This time, im going to write about the energy situation in Spain with the ones that the other neibor countries have. European countries are relatively known as renewable energy developed countries. EU has annnounced that they are plannning…

Semana Santa at Camino de Santiago

Its already end of april, which means my study abroad in Spain will be over, the time is approaching. every April, in Spain, there is a long holiday called `Semana Santa` , which means a "festival to commemorate the Passion of Christmas." …

Living in Jaén

Long time no writing blog, it's been already 2, or 3 months since last i wrote my blog because I focused on studying, and thinking myself that what i need during staying here. I don't know, but writing blog can do anytime even when i go ba…

スペイン モロッコ 旅行記2

第二章 南方の真珠 マラケシュ! No.2 The Southern Pearl Marrakish! 一日目を完全な移動日として終え、タンジェ新港(MED)からタンジェ中心街へ、そして悪評高きタンジェマラケシュ間の寝台列車に乗り、無事マラケシュに到着! Finishing the first day a…

スペイン モロッコ 旅行記1

第一章 スペインからモロッコへ 初アフリカ進出!! 1、From Spain to Morocco, Journey to Africa ! 今回は先日行ってきたモロッコ旅行記を何篇かに分けて書いていきたいと思います! this time im going to write about my trip to Morocco dividing in s…


新年あけましておめでとうございます! はじめまして。新年を迎え、何か新しいことを始めたいと思い、以前から気になっていたBlogを始めて見ました! 時間のあるときにちょこちょこと周りで起きた出来事や、自分の趣味等について書いて行こうかなと思ってま…