Coronavirus : what we can do to contain it faster


Since early this year, gradually the new coronavirus started spreading around the world and is giving serious impact on various aspects, like changes of the way to live, economy, envirounment, and so on.  Every countries disclosed the statement we need to stay at home and stop economy activities till it gets settled down, which makes us worry about till when it continues or when this virus activity will be over.


We are living in so many information since the virus came out. So, to know right informatin, and to be afraid of new coronavirus properly, we need to access right information among them.  For example, how this kind of human infection virus born, what kind of environment people can get infected easily, and is it seasonal virus or not, what kind of people get serious when they infected and so on.


In general, what we can do for containing this virus, this is the only way.  Do not go out unless you have something you must do. This is for not spreading virus from human to human.  Its simple, but its sometimes hard just staying home becaouse of less activity than usual.  Japan also is taking the measure requireing people not to go out and stay home since early April after the declaration of state of emergency.  Untill having immune system in most poeple, or getting new vaccine for this virus, it is said that we need to continue to take this measure not to get worse for us , and for economy.  so thats why some people say it takes over one year or more to make this virus end, given the time of inventing the vaccine.  


Staying home , sometimes you may feel boring, or nothing to do.  But find something to do without outing, that helps it make it end faster.  not to get worse this situation any more, what we can do is taking the method we can do.  Then the normal life will return again and we can go out as we want like before.