What is the good point of making a journey?

Today, im gonna talk about what the good points you can get from making a journey are, based on my experiences so far.


・What Journey is 

First of all, I want to define the meaning of journey.  I think Journey means a trip you creat all from zero and going to a place that you have never been.  Whats more, you gotta get over anything you face on the way by yourself.


・Good points you can feel from journey

1, you can see how much you can do when you are alone

2, you can learn anything from what you see or feel or do

3, It is a good chance to think yourself



1, You can see how much you can do when you are alone


I think there are two types when you make a journey.  you do it yourself, or do it in a group.  So im gonna talk about the former this time.  when you make a journey alone, you can see how much you can do by yourself clealy.  you have to make a whole plan by yourself, going to the place and back from there.  you gotta find somthing fun or interesting to do there.  you gotta find friends there.  theres no one you can rely on if you are alone.  Sometimes you feel lonely, or sad to know you are alone, or you cant do anything than you thought. but its a really good thing because at least you learn them.  Then you start something to improve what you need after the journey.  Such a journey somehow helps you lead to next step surely.


First solo trip in New York


2,  You can learn anything from what you see or feel or do 


A journey takes you to a unknown place for you. Everything you see or feel there, are new for you.  Thats why you can learn anything from what you got there.  And thats the main reason why I love making a Journey.  They help you find something that you cant find yourself.  For example, the culture, society, food, people, history, nautre, anything.  When I went to sahara desert, what we do there in a day, was taking a camel for around 4 hours in total and going to the destination where nomad are waiting. After arriving there at around early afternoon, we have free time in the middle of the desert till dinner time by cooking their goat as a feast.  Its getting colder sharply after sunset, and what we could see was stars spreading over in the night sky.  it was so great that I never forget it.  and we sleep on the desert. and we naturaly get up with sunrise, feeling its getting warm. and I learnt how much people depend on the nature and how big impact nature has . I learnt the importance and beauty of nature through the journey.



Sunrise in the desert


3, It is a good chance to think yourself


Going to journey is unusual thing , outside of the ordinary life, and going out to a place where you have never seen.  Many new things come out in front of you, and they inspire you.  After that, you think about it comparing with your standard and your thought to find right answer.  through these things, you can have new ideas.  




Making a journey brings you many things to inspire you.  Those experinences definetely become something you need in the future ,like it helps you find something interesting and it may be some motives for your future job.  Thats why I love making a journey around the world with my mates.  





Sunset of Greek sea